Tuesday, January 30, 2007

No baby... yet

A mish-mash of things:

Looks like we still might be about a week (or so) away from Baby Meemo's arrival.

Mrs. Meemo is doing well (she really hit the wall last week, but has since recovered and is hanging in there). She's a trooper.

I still haven't had a chance to use my snowblower. We've had snow, but there's been very little accumulation, and it's been spread over several days. I think I'm adhering to Augie's Law that since I bought the snowblower, we haven't had any snow. (that is Augie's Law, isn't it?).

I've heard that Glowie is saying nice things about me on her blog. I best go see.

I know she isn't a member of blogland (is she?) but YAY FOR BAWDY! Her ordeal is something that many of us have been following for a loooooooooong time. It's so wonderful to see the saga come to a close, and the start of a wonderful new chapter for them.

And on that note, I must go surfing the blogland. I have neglected many of you in recent days. I've recently come to the realization that I think I post (both in blogland and that other place) more often than I actually do. I'm always around (well, most days anyways), but tend to just lurk. Well, I've recognized the errors of my ways, and hope to contribute more than I have before.

Ah, who am I kidding. Don't get your hopes up :-)


~Nutz said...

Bawdy does have a blog. She was chronicling the adoption.

*waits for new baby news*

Should be anytime now, right?

~Nutz said...

Here's the link:


kim (weltek) said...

Give our love to Mrs. Meemo. I hope the new baby comes soon!

I'm sorry you haven't had much snow, thus not getting to play with your new toy.


Glowie said...

*gentle hugs for Mrs. Meeeeeemo*

You wanna come blow my snow? (<-- not code) There's not that much snow but there's some.

*big hug for Awesome Meeeeeeeemo*

Anonymous said...


My neighbor has a snowblower and always cleans our driveway before we get a chance to do it. He does it for everyone in the neighborhood. We all love him very, very, very much.

Puffy said...

What's the over/under on which comes first: the baby or the use of the snowblower?

Swami said...

We had one of our babies during a huge snowstorm. Tom got to use a new snowblower and have a baby all on the same day. What more could a guy ask for?

Lasann said...

Hey Meemo,

It's hard to get to all the blogs all the time.

I think we all have the few we check more often than others.

Glow was speaking the truth, she was!

mm said...

Maybe Mrs. Meemo can hold off until Valentine's day? :)

Just kidding. Give her my best wishes! And Yay for BAWDY too!