Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year!

Well, no official resolutions for me, although I did get up early, spent some time on the eliptical machine (which has been long neglected), ironed my shirt and pants, and still managed to arrive at work at the *official* proper time this morning (40 mins earlier than usual).

So yay for me. We'll see if that holds up tomorrow :-)

We had a good time over the holidays.

Took some time over the past week to get things prepped for the baby (due in 6 weeks!). Put the crib together and got the nursery straightened away. Also put together the new double stroller that we bought.

We're in the home stretch (*waves to Monstah*).

I'll likely post an updated name thread later this week.


kim (weltek) said...

I was going to say, this blog entry sounds similar to a recent Monsty post!

Good for you for the a.m. exercising! I'm too lazy to get up at 5:30 & workout.

Puffy said...

Did you ever imagine that you'd need a DOUBLE stroller? LOL

Swami said...

You iron your shirt & pants? Every day?

kevingrout said...

Kim: believe me, if it meant having to get up at 5:30 a.m., I wouldn't be doing it. I roll out around 6:30 instead.

Puffy: too true. It still hasn't fully hit me yet. I never thought we'd even need a single stroller :-)

swami: Umm... yeah. Every day. Always have. I'm a Renaissance man :-)

Zombs said...

I love the double stroller. SO much room for stuff when you go shopping underneath. (We have the front to back) even though only one really needs a stroller now. We put the 3 year old in it when he "acts up" when out.

6 weeks only? Goes by so fast when you are not the one pregnant! Although this is the time it drags when you are.

REmember to not get peed on!

Schnookie said...

Happy New Year Meemo! Another exciting year for you and your DW.

~Nutz said...

How exciting that the baby's almost here!