Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Bathing suit photo

After much persuasion (or really, not much all) I have decided to post a pic of me in my bathing suit from my vacation. This was taken at a beach that my cousin and I went diving for conch shells. We only nabbed a single tiny one, but I did get a couple of star fish.

And don't worry, this eye candy is non-fattening :-)


mm said...


miamicatt said...

I love you Canada.

Schnookie said...

Great pic Meemo! Now, where are the pics with the shirt off? *grin*

kim (weltek) said...


Jen said...

You're such a tease. :P

Swami said...

Lol, Meemo!

We were not expecting one of those over-the-knee bathing suits.

~Nutz said...

So, you don't wear a Speedo?

I agree with Nookie... take the shirt off! :)

HistoryDetective said...


kevingrout said...

Here I go an fulfill the requests, and you guys jump down on me. Honestly! :-)

And Swami, I'll have you know that due to my long legs, that suit comes "to" the knee, not over it ;-)

For the record, I will be more than willing to post a shirt-off photo once each of you e-mails me a photo of you in your bathing suit :P

Swami said...

My bathing suit photo is in the OT scrapbook thing. Or at least it used to be. Do they purge old peeps?

HistoryDetective said...

I just posted a shirtless pic on OT in the last couple of weeks. Does that count toward the swimsuit quota?

Glowie said...

*waits for more*