Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Stolen from Carey, Jen, MCatt, and others...

A is for Age - 30 somthin' (but just barely)
B is for Booze - not much of a drinker, but that may change at the Niagara Peep Meet :-)
C is for Career - Communications/PR
D is for Dad’s name - Dad
E is for Essential Item to bring to a Party - Me and my dancin' shoes
F is for Favorite Songs at the Moment - rediscovering some old Bob Marley tunes
G is for Goof off thing to do - Sing in public places and dancing like children of the night
H is for Hometown - Niagara
I is for Instrument you play - Saxophone, guitar, various wind instruments, drums...
J is for Jam or Jelly you like - apple or grape
K is for Kids - one.. my perfect little girl
L is for Living arrangement - With DW and DD
M is for Mom’s name - Mom
N is for Names of best friends - Too many to list here.
O is for overnight hospital stays - none. Let's keep it that way.
P is for Phobias - some bugs (e.g. centipedes), balding (it's a vanity thing)
Q is for Quote you like - "Art is whatever you can get away with" - Marshall McLuhan
R is for Relationship that lasted longest - currently, 13 years (9 years married)
S is for Siblings - Older brother, aka Asshat
T is for Texas, Ever been? - Nope, but plan to. Houston Rockets are my fav basketball team
U is for Unique trait - I have the ability to scratch any part of my back
V if for Vegetable you love - Broccoli, carrots
W is for Worst traits - procrastinating
X - is for XRays you’ve had - back
Y is for Yummy food you make - toast
Z is for Zodiac sign - Leo


~Nutz said...

Dood! You have a brother named Asshat too? What a co-inky-dink! *snort*

Jen said...

Mmm! Toast is one of my favorites!

Schnookie said...

Another Leo! *waves*

LOL at Nutzy. Asshat seems to be a popular name for brothers.

Ok, I just tried to scratch every inch of my back and got most of it.

*turns back to Meemo* Can you get that spot just below my left shoulder please?

Glowie said...

The fact that you play the sax makes me extra swoony.

miamicatt said...

Yet another Leo...

Debcapsfan said...

Saxamaphone. :)

miamicatt said...

ahahahahahahahahahahaahahaha!!! :D

Bravie said...

LMAO at asshat brother. *snort*

HistoryDetective said...

Interestingly enough, I have one younger brother who happens to be named Asshat as well.