Saturday, May 13, 2006

I'm baaaaack

Okay, back from vacation. Had an AWESEOME time.

I mean, this was the view from my living room for most of the past week:

Did some island hopping, got to hang with some great cousins who I haven't seen in too long, and went to the beach every day. And when I say beach, I mean private, beautiful, secluded beach, as pictured here:

Our last day, we went back to Nassau, and toured Atlantis (if you've never heard of it, check it out at I have never seen bigger yachts, or more money in my lifetime. For evidence, see here:

I haven't found a shot of me in my bathing suit worthy to post here yet, but we'll see ;-)

Now that I'm back, it's time to get down to business. Watch for OT peep meet info by Monday.


Bravie said...

Very nice. *waits for bathing suit pictures*

~Nutz said...

Oh heck! I am the most gellus I have ever been! That view is gorgeous!

Does this mean you have some planned activites for the peep meet? I'm still trying to figure out if I can go.

*waits for Monday*

Swami said...

You take the prettiest vacations, Meemo. I have never been anywhere in the Caribbean.

You wear a Speedo, right?

Zombs said...

So pretty! Did the baby love the sand?

Jen said...

Wow! Beautiful pics!

*waits for other pics* ;-)

Glowie said...

Those are very beautiful pictures. Glad you had a good time.

Glowie said...

Those are very beautiful pictures. Glad you had a good time.

miamicatt said...

My envy consumes me.

kevingrout said...


The baby HATED the sand and the water. I was heartbroken. She did however, love sitting on a blanket under an umbrella while I played out in the water. Probably because she knew it meant I wouldn't be dragging her out to sea against her will.

Puffy said...

Did anyone get sunburned? We need to see a bathing suit pic. We won't show you ours if you don't show us yours! :)

Lasann said...

Are you all rested and refreshed, or has it left you already?

Swami said...

Never take a baby into the water against their will, Meemo. What you do is put the baby down near the water, say NO! No water! And then wait. Baby will head for the waves in no time.

(I can't remember how old your baby is. This advice is for crawling/toddling babies.)