Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Need advice.....

...on a couple of work issues.

Scenario #1)

The manager position from our Department has been vacant for more than 2 years.

One of our team members was named Acting Manager at the time of the inital vacancy. She lasted through several failed searches, before deciding to call it quits at the end of May (although a new search is underway, and interviews are being conducted).

When she left, I suggested (as the most senior person here), that we should have someone in the Acting Manager role until the position is permanently filled, to maintain consistency and accountability in the office. It was decided, in conjunction with HR, that I should take over this role (efffective June 1).

This is what gets me though: HR sent through the paperwork as follows - "In the event that this apointment is longer than 3 months in duration, we would review your compensation to determine a provisional increase for the additional duties you are undertaking." So basically, if they start someone by Aug. 31, I see no compensation for the nearly three months of extra work and responsibility. And even if I do make it past the 3 month mark, I have no idea what kind of compensation I should expect. What if they offer me an extra $100 bucks, and tell me to take it or leave it? There would be no recourse because I've already done the work.

I'm really bothered by this, but wonder if this is common practice. Anybody else have experience in this kind of thing? Any suggestions?

Scenario #2)

Secondly, remember that external position that I applied for? The one that the lady I had been mentoring got, while I didn't even get an interview?

Well, she forwarded me a job posting about a new position in her office (to see if I knew of anyone who would be interested). The reporting structure would be reporting to her. On Saturday, I happened to run into her at the grocery store, where we discussed it a bit more. She indicated that the position would be similar to my current position, but the salary would run anywhere from $5,000 to $15,000 more than what I'm making now. I joked that given the crap I'm facing at my job, that maybe I would apply. Her face lit up, and she started to hard sell me on the idea. The position closes this Friday.

I always said that my next move would not be lateral - I prefer to move into some area of management. However, I have a good relationship with this lady, and the pay is much more than what I have now. It wouldn't necessarily be a great move for my professional career (nor a bad one), but would help me out financially. My question is, would you find it awkward to work for somebody given the scenario we went through just a couple months ago?

What to do..... what to do......


kim (weltek) said...

1. No experience with this, although I'd think you could negotiate, at minimum, that provisional increase rate ahead of time.

2. I'd be really tempted to take the new position and not get tangled up in this temporary manager thing. I fear that could get sticky. With the right attitude, this other opportunity could turn out great. It's obvious this woman values your expertise.

momma said...

1. It seems pretty common to me, however I work in one of the most backwards companies this side of the border. The question is posed however, why don't YOU apply for the position using the Acting Manager's experience of 90 days?

2. Apply. What would it hurt? Especially if you are frustrated with your current situation and would be even more so if you do not get compensation for the Acting gig.

kevingrout said...


I did apply for the position. The Exec. Director of HR met with me last week to inform me that I did not make the short list. They are interviewing people with at least 15 yrs of exp. (as opposed to my 19).

The only upside to staying is that I might have someone come in who could really mentor me (and I was also told that there may be an Assistant Manager position created down the line - which could be years).

The external position means more money, but I'd be going to work with someone who doesn't even have as much experience as me, so it would be more self-directed learning.

For more information, the whole saga of the lady I'd be going to work for can be found here:

kim (weltek) said...

Upon review, I think you should apply for the job working the lady. Sounds like you would have a real opportunity to create your own destiny there.

Debcapsfan said...

My gut says take the money at the other job. Of course, I'm in the middle of trying to figure out how I'm going to pay for grad school, so I may be biased. However it sounds to me in scenario 1 that they are leading you on and it could take years to get what you want.

kim (weltek) said...

One important question: Which job would let you post more often?

Swami said...

I agree with Deb. Take the money. The new job sounds okay and the old job people have already told you that you are not what they are looking for in their future. (The Assistant Manager position sounds pretty theoretical to me.)

A lateral move can be very strategic if it puts you into a place where you can move up.

Puffy said...

Internet time?