Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Today is my best birthday ever...

I am 33 today.

So why is this the best birthday ever? Well, I survived my mini-triathlon (finishing middle of the pack among the 19 competitors) and completed it in less than 1 hr.

But most of all, it's because I get to experience these two little peanuts on a daily basis:

Doesn't that photo sum up what the next 15 years will hold? :-)


kim (weltek) said...

LOL @ the picture!

Congrats on the triathalon finish! It's a huge accomplishment to even complete a mini one!

Happy Birthday, my friend!

Schnookie said...

Happy Birthday Meemo!

Congrats on the triathalon! Quite an accomplishment.

Love that pic. She'll soon learn to put her hair in a ponytail LOL.

frodis said...

Happy Birthday, Meemo!

The little Meemos are adorable - that picture is hilarious!

Congrats too on the half marathon - what a great way to celebrate turning 33!

MM said...

You have NO idea, lol! It will be longer than 15 years though. :P

Congrats on the mini-triathalon!

Swami said...

Happy Birthday, Meemo! Kids are great but they age you fast, lol. Well, in their teenage years they do...

I remember evil sister talking about the Dragon Boat races but I have never seen them. I'm sure she was watching you since she grooves on tall, good-looking guys!

Puffy said...

You've got a lot going for you: completing the mini-triahlon, those two gorgeous kids, and being "only" 33!

Glowie said...
