Wednesday, June 28, 2006

A time for....

....peep meets.

Seems peeps are getting together at record rates this summer, and I shall not be left out!

In 8 days, I get to connect with the likes of Silvergirl, weltek, byoffer, the LePews, cq, MCatt, Seana, Maroonclown and lightsy in Niagara Falls.

And then three weeks later, I get to meet up with Glowie and geggy in Pittsburgh. Yup, be gellus of me.

Of course, I will also be undertaking some home improvements this summer, but I'm choosing to focus on the peep meets (thinking happy thoughts rather than labour intensive thoughts).


Schnookie said...

*sniffle* That is going to be a fantastic peep meet in Niagara. Can't wait to see pics. You better take pics *stern look*

And, you're meeting up with Glowie & Geg? Sheesh. Glowie's sure getting around these days.

Puffy said...

Pictures, pictures, pictures. That's all I can say.

mm said...

Yay! Before, I'd have been too insanely jealous to wish you well, but now...WooHoo! That's awesome. Give all the bloggers a hug for me, ok?

~Nutz said...


I finally told myself yesterday, after holding out hope all these weeks, that I can't go. WAH!!!

2 nights lodging: $258 (American) + tax
Gas for the Durango: $200
Food, Souvenirs & Drinks: $300 (mostly for drinks)
Seeing all those kewl peeps: Priceless!

Unfortunately, I cut up my Mastercard.

HistoryDetective said...

I want to know more about Pittsburgh! I'm only 3.5 hours away...

kevingrout said...

HD... check yer e-mail

mtw said...

Lucky you! I would love to meet some of those peeps. On the plus side, I've had a couple peep meets myself the last few months, so I can't complain.

I'm sad that I'll be in Atlanta and can't meet Nookie, Syren or Slim. :(

kim (weltek) said...

I'm already looking forward to the next annual peep meet & I haven't done this one yet!

My other meets this year (other than Niagara):

-dragonflies next week
-San Fran peeps in early November
-Momma & Sonya in Texas in later November...this one is without out Texas!

Yay for peep meets!

Glowie said...

yay! *jumps up and down*