Thursday, April 20, 2006

Weird things meme.

Okay, everybody else is doing this, so I'm considering myself tagged by Catt.

Here are the rules-

1. Reveal six weird facts/things/habits about yourself and then tag six people

2. Leave a "You're Tagged!" comment to let the people you have tagged know they have to reveal six things (or the entire blogosphere will explode and it will be their fault)

3. Leave a comment HERE to let me know when you have completed your mission


1. I am totally self-concious about what I wear. I need constant reassurance that I look okay, and I make occassional trips to the washroom throughout the day to make sure I don't have something on my face, or my shirt is not tucked in properly. I'm sure there is a proper name for this disorder, but I just call it freakish.

2. I am a terrible procrastinator. If I think I can get away with not doing something, I will usually put it off. Unfortunately, I don't just do this for little stuff either. I have nearly lost a job over it, and come close to failing courses in school. Thankfully, I'm also a good bullshitter.

3. If I could live on a beach, I would. I even keep a little vial of Caribbean sand on my desk.

4. I always have kleenex with me. In my pockets, or in my work bag. I don't go anywhere without some form of tissue on me. You never know when you're going to have a sneezing fit, right? Who wants to be unprepared?

5. I love shopping. Is that wrong for a guy? I can go to a mall for two hours and be totally happy.

6. I can't stand anyone hanging out in the doorway of my cubicle. I lose it. I'm extremely jaded and bitter about having to work in a cubicle to begin with, so people should understand that my last bit of sanctity is the doorway leading to this little crap hole. So don't think you can't stand in said space to chat with whomever about whatever your day may hold, because frankly? I'll kick your ass.

I feel much better now.

Oh, and I tag all of you. Consider this a virtual slap on the butt.


miamicatt said...

Oh Meemo...everyday I find new reasons to *heart* you. I, too, have a little vial of Carribbean sand. Mine's from St. Maarten.

Lasann said...

I just followed the yellow brick road to your blog.

I love that you lvoe to shop.

Not only do I have some Caribbean sand I have sand from every beach I've visited.

miamicatt said...

Oh and FYI? You can ALWAYS consider yourself tagged by Catt. :-)

kevingrout said...

Hey lasann,

You're always welcome to come down the road and visit the wonderful world of Meemo.

So all of us are beach nuts, eh?

I actually checked out your blog briefly and saw you have been to the Bahamas. I? am going there in two weeks. CAN'T. WAIT. You can be sure I'll be collecting more sand when I'm there.

Debcapsfan said...

I've taped a sign to my cube that says "If I had a door, it would be closed. Please go away."
I love the beach too. My favorite history teacher used to always talk about the sand, and the water, and the woosh, his voice trailing off at the end. I loved that.

Nailbone said...

*standing in the doorway of your cubicle*

I am SO gonna get me some beach sand for my desk when we go the Mexico next month!!

And I do have one of those sound machines, set on "stream" that I used to sleep every night.

Oh, yeah, and you skipped a button...

HistoryDetective said...

I could have written 1, 2, and 5. Does that make me your half-twin?

~Nutz said...

*stands next to Boner in the doorway*

1. You look mahvelous today!

2. Me too! ...but I don't think I'm as bad as you. I graded my tests, have you graded yours, yet??? *squinty eyes*

3. I live 10 minutes from the beach, but it's not the Carribean. I need some Caribbean sand. Will you get me some so I can join your little clubby thing?

4. Mr. Nutz has sneezing fits! He can sneeze 15 times in a row! Sneezing makes me have chills.

5. That's not wrong. I know lots of guys who like shopping.

6. *continues standing in doorway*

Oooh! Meemo's giving out spankings!

kevingrout said...

HD: brother?

And Nutz, as of midnight on Saturday, I am only half-way done the exams. They're due Monday. *sigh*

HistoryDetective said...

OK, brother sounds good to me. Now, let's go shopping. I'll be sure to let you know of any wardrobe malfunctions before they happen. We should set a day for our little outing now, instead of putting it off.

Glowie said...

1. You look great.
2. Me too! I still haven't done this 6 things yet. *grin*
3. Why can't you live on a beach?
4. Me too!
5. Get out! *shoves Meemo* You just want me to be all hot for you. Well, more hot for you.
6. Me too! I want to put a sign that says that. Though I don't have a cubicle, I have an office. But it has no windows and it's small.