Friday, April 21, 2006

Today, is two weeks to paradise.

I leave for my vacation to the Bahamas two weeks from today... and I'm totally unprepared for it. Which might be a good thing, because I might enjoy it that much more if it sneaks up on me.

We are flying to Nassau, and then taking a 2-hour ferry to one of the out-islands where we will be staying at my aunt's beach house. First (flight) vacation with the baby (well, 14-month old... not so much a baby anymore).

It's also my first real vacation in far too long... goodness, almost three years now. I love to travel, but don't do it often enough. I was hoping to get to the west coast in June (*waves to Catt*), but that fell through.

It's funny how I love to travel, because none of my family or friends are the same way. I guess I'm just a free spirit.


miamicatt said...


I'm pretty bummed about the trip out here getting cancelled. :-(

Any chance they'll reschedule it?

kevingrout said...

I checked the luggage restrictions, and a human sized cargo box would be a couple of hundred extra, and likely very uncomfortable for you. But I'll think of you while I'm there.

And sorry, no chance on the west coast trip this time 'round. Stoopid acting manager doesn't think we can manage the budget, never mind nobody in our department has gone to a conference in the past two years, and we have a conference budget.

Grrrr. Oh well, we'll see you in a couple of months, right?

Puffy said...

Your AUNT owns a beach house in the Bahamas? How did you get so lucky? I don't need to tell you to have fun, you will!

Zombs said...

Sounds so nice! The baby is gonna love it too! She will play in the sand and get her cute little feet wet in the crystal clear blue waters.

That is what I love most about the carribean, the water. Ahhh, warm and clear.

Very jealous.

Lasann said...

I'm completely dumbfounded with people who don't like to travel. It is one characteristic that I just can't understand.

The carribean is heaven on earth!

HistoryDetective said...

Hi Meemo! Just popping by to answer your question from my blog. (I am not even going to comment on any trip to the Bahamas, bastage.) I usually shop at Safeway and get good deals there, but my big sale from last Sunday was at Superfresh.