Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Another Meemo on the way

Yes, the Meemo's are recreating again.

For those of you keeping score, Baby Meemo #2 due right around the middle of February. Which (I haven't confirmed this yet) should put us right on schedule with Monsty's next one.

The due date is also the same as someone else's 2nd birthday - that's right... Baby Meemo #1. EXACT.SAME.DATE.

Wouldn't that be fun, having two kids with the same birthday? :-)

Needless to say, life is a bit hectic right now, making preparations and trying to get things (mostly the house) in order. The next six months will fly by (for me at least - I'm fully aware that the last two months will seem like an endless hell for DW).

Just as some background, for those of you who don't know: DW and I have been married for 9 years. We started trying to start a family after one year of marriage. After a series of episodes and tests (unrelated to trying for a baby), DW was told she could never bear children. This was confirmed by 3 different specialists. So we basically gave up hope for the next 6 years.

In the Spring of 2004, DW got pregnant (we were like, "WTF?" - but ridiculously excited and grateful). Unfortunately, she miscarried 10 weeks in.

Two months later, she got pregnant again and now we have an incredible and beautiful little girl who is 18 months old.

We were never expecting to even have one child, and now #2 is on the way.

So what do I need to expect having two kids under (or around) the age of two?


Puffy said...

Lots of diapers.

Lots of toys to step on, all over the house.

Congratulations! I'm wishing you and the Mrs. a happy, safe, and problem-free pregnancy.

Zombs said...

A-ha! I saw your post over on OT and came here and checked it out for confirmation!

COngrats to you! I love stories like yours where couples are told they can't have yet they do!

My first 2 are 15 months apart. Now they are almost 4 and almost 3. When this one comes I will have 3 under 4! So far all not potty trained!

It was rough in the beginning with the two. I won't lie. But sooo worth it. Now it is a whole lot easier with them being so close in age. I would do it again this way if I had a choice. With this one we are out of the bottles and baby stage and it seems so overwhelming to me to go back to it soon. With my second we were already there and it was not a rough transition.

I am very happy for you!

maroonclown said...


I was privvy to the good news before but it's great to shout it out now.

CONGRATULATIONS!! Couldn't happen to a sweeter couple.

kim (weltek) said...

Congratulations!!! I had no idea you'd had so much trouble conceiving. That would be awesome if they had the same birthday because it would mean joint parties for a long time! Less stress, less money...yay! Of course everyone would think they were twins even though they were a year apart.

Schnookie said...

How wonderful Meemo! Congrats.

DH shares his b'day with his sister (not twins) and he has two other brothers who share the same b'day (not twins).

I, of course, share my b'day with my twin sister. I have always wanted to have my very own birthday.

Best wishes to your wife for a healthy pregnancy.

~Nutz said...

Congrats!!! How exciting!

One thing you should expect, two kids is a lot more work than one... but worth it!

Jen said...

Awww, yay! Congrats, Meemo! So happy for you. *smooch*

mtw said...

For me, number two is a "daddy's little girl". I am so grateful every day that I have her!

Bravie said...

Congrats to the Meemos. *big smooch*

My GF's parents were told they could not have children. So they adopted Michelle. They were going to adopt again but then her Mom ended up pregnant, then pregnant again, then pregnant again. *grin*

Yay again for the Meemos.

momma said...

Congrats! My two are 27 months apart. It was actually pretty easy, as my son was halfway potty trained at that point and wanted nothing to do with bottles or things of that nature. He thought he was a big kid! :)

arkie said...

Congratulations! So very happy for you, Meemo!

Swami said...

I can answer your question with two words Meemo: No. Sleep.

Congratulations. The upside is you don't really have to pack away the baby clothes, just move them down the line.

Swami<--- had two that were 15 months apart.