Monday, March 24, 2008

A list....

1. My parents got home from a 3 week Mediterranean cruise/visit with my mom's sister in England. While they were in transit back to Canada, I got a call informing me that my mom's brother in the Bahamas had passed away. So when I got to the airport to pick them up last night, I was responsible for breaking the news to my mom. He had been battling cancer, so it wasn't totally unexpected, but still, not a fun situation.

2. On a much different and lighter note, DD is now toilet trained (with the odd accident here and there). Yay! She just turned three last month. DS aka Bubba aka cockroach (he wears a lot of overalls, and when he does he kinda resembles the guy from Men in Black that the bug embodies, because he kinda stumbles around) is doing good too.. although he's much messier than DD ever was, which does not sit well with I or DW (we're both clean freaks).

What? You want a picture? Ok

3. We did a rockin' hand-clapping, knee-slapping, hallelujah-shouting, gospel-type song for our Sunday easter service, and I had a chance to wail on my saxamaphone. I haven't had a chance to play like that in years, particularly in that context (with 1,000 people standing and clapping along). In the words of the great Chris Farley: "That was awesome."

4. I expect to be getting a big raise and promotion in the next month or so. If not, I will be looking for a new job.

5. I might get to see Lightsy next month! All I have to do is respond to her e-mail :-)

6. We're planning a trip to Newfoundland later this year (for a wedding). It will be another place to cross off my list of places I've never been before.

7. I've been getting along fairly well with my brother (aka asshat) lately. I'm sure he'll do something to screw that up soon enough :-)


Anonymous said...
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Swami said...

1. Bummer having to inform your mom of such bad news.

2. World's Cutest Kids! And DS does look like that guy from MIB, lol! You know, if guy had been all adorable and stuff.

3. One thousand people attend your church!?! Holy cow that's a big church!

4. That'll show them.

5. Answer the d@mn email!

6. I'm jealous.

7. No comment because I live in a glass house on this one.

Bravie said...

Awwwwwwww, cute factor overload.

kevingrout said...

Was that *samoooch* for the kiddies, or for me? :-)

MM said...

Wow, lots of news here.

Sorry about your Uncle. :(

The kids are just adorable! You should have many, many more! ;-)

Good luck on the promotion. Keep us posted, please.

Oh, and keep us posted on that potential Lightsie meet, too!

Newfoundland would be awesome! Always wanted to go there. I bet you'll need to take a nanny, huh?


Oh, and try my blog sometime to see if you can get in easier, I'm trying to make some changes!

~Nutz said...

Your kids are gorgeous!

kim (weltek) said...

Your daughter looks so much like your wife! What a doll!

I love your son's laugh! He looks like an all-out emotional fella.

*smooches* for you!