Thursday, July 31, 2008


....there is one or more people on your friends list who make your world a better place just because they exist, and who you would not have met (in real life or not) without the Internet, then post this same sentence in your journal.

As per Glowie's suggestion.

Couldn't think of a better way to reflect on my birthday (34 today) how great my bloggy/OT friends are.

*smooch* to anyone who happens by here.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I'm a travel-ing man, done a lot of traveling.... all over the world

I love to travel... even if it puts me in debt :-) Well, maybe not that much.

We're taking the kids to Newfoundland in September for two weeks. I've never been before, but my wife's cousin is getting married so we thought it would be a good excuse to go out there.

We also have some good friends who moved out there last year that we're dying to see, so it should be lots of fun.

And we're already planning for a January trip to the Bahamas.

Other than the Bahamas, I'm trying to plan to visit places I've never been before. In 2010, we're hoping to go out west to Calgary, Banff and out to Vancouver.

So what is your next dream trip? Do you like to travel?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I love summer time....

Maybe I'll make this a list...

1) I have been very active this summer.... what with my past escapades including the Lake to Lake and my Try-a-Tri that I've already posted about.

Next up is our local Dragon-boat races. I've done them the past four years, and it's more fun than anything, but an intense work-out during the 3-minute races :-)

2) I was out for a bike ride last night and had my first real spill of the year (not bad, considering the number of times I've been out already). I clipped a tree while going downhill at a pretty good pace. Twisted my front wheel and went over the handlebars and down an embankment, landing at the base of a tree. I'm ok, just have a sore wrist and back today, and some war-wounds to show off. Lucky nothing was broken.

3) On a related note, I've never had a broken bone before. I cringe at the thought of it, so I'd likely pass out if I ever did. Guess I should limit the opportunities for something like that to happen :-)

4) My birthday is coming up in a couple weeks, and frankly, I can't think of a single thing that I want. I guess that's what they call contentment. My FIL, OTOH (how you like them acronyms), wants tickets to see the Miami Dolphins play the Buffalo Bills for his 60th coming up. I'm going to try and accommodate him.

5) I'm eating carrots and celery for a snack right now. I guess that's better than a chocolate bar, right? But I'd rather be eating the chocolate bar.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Because everyone else is doing it...

.. and I need a new post

That Marriage Thing

1. What date is your anniversary? October 25, 1997.

2. Where did you get married? In the church we currently attend, St. Catharines, Ontario

3. Who proposed and how? I did. DW won a trip for two to backpack across Europe from a Toronto radio station. She wisely chose me (her boyfriend of four years). I brought the ring with me, and proposed to her in Lucerne, Switzerland (about a week into the trip). That's really more romantic than it sounds, because the actual setting was at a "camp" ground where we were staying, and she had recently come back from the shower so her hair was still wet.

4. How long were you engaged? Just over a year.

5. What was your favorite part of your wedding day (and it can't be your husband)? We rented a red double-decker bus to get the whole wedding party from the ceremony to the reception.

6. What would you change if you could? Hmm.... not much. Well, the guys did have walking sticks that came with their tuxes. It took about 10 minutes before they started whacking each other in the back of the legs with them and sword-fights broke out. So I probably would have nixed them.

7. What were your wedding colors? Black tuxes, purple bridesmaid dresses.

8. Remember anything special about your wedding ceremony? When we kissed, I lifted up my leg a la Mike Myers in So I Married an Axe Murderer.

9. Were you clean or messy when you cut your cake? Clean. We're Canadian, eh!

10. Where did you go on your honeymoon? Spent our wedding night at the Sheraton Fallsview in Niagara Falls, and then took off to Varadero, Cuba for seven days of sand and sun.